Moments gourmands au restaurant Epona, soirée romantique sous la coupole du Bar Le Dôme ou nuit d’exception dans l’élégance de nos chambres… Ce 14 février, nous avons réuni tous les ingrédients. Découvrez

Conciergerie (c) Eric Cuvillier (5)


Providing a personalised service for your stay in Lyon

Thanks to their great knowledge of Lyon and its region, our Concierges lead by Cyrille, Chef Concierge and member of the Golden Keys, will guide you in your choices and reservations of the best tables of the city, concerts, theaters, museums…


Cyrille Jombart, Chef Concierge

After thirty years working in the luxury hospitality industry, in particular as First Concierge for one of the largest Parisian palaces, Cyrille Jombart knows how to help you stay two steps ahead.

From off the beaten track activities to great restaurants and shows, Lyon is a city that is full of surprises. Whatever you have in mind, come and talk to Cyrille and his team of concierges. With an extensive knowledge of all the latest goings on in Lyon, they will open up the greatest that our destination has to offer, making sure that every moment of your stay is just as you wish it would be.

They also make your travel easy and comfortable whenever you need it to ride around Lyon.

Contact our Concierges

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